2007/03/12 | Song
类别(爱好) | 评论(1) | 阅读(32) | 发表于 22:34

最近的活动主题就是 没事找事....... 从工作上慢慢转移注意力,活不多时,重新开始了以前电影、连续剧、四处看贴、搜歌的日子,呵呵,收获还是不小滴......


星星 黑夜和白天总会知道.
不 是我无法饶恕我自己.
不 我应该先宽恕自己一定要站起来.


Jason Mraz - Life is wonderful

It takes a crane to build a crane 它拿起重机建起高楼
It takes two floors to make a story 它拿两块地板编成一个故事
It takes an egg to make a hen 它拿一个鸡蛋变成一只母鸡
It takes a hen to make an egg 它拿一只母鸡变成一个鸡蛋
There is no end to what I'm saying 这是没有结束的话语

It takes a thought to make a word 它拿思想做成了文字
And it takes some words to make an action 然后用这些文字构成一个动作
And it takes some work to make it work 再使劳动成为工作
It takes some good to make it hurt 它拿好的去伤害它的心
It takes some bad for satisfaction 它拿坏的去感到满足

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle 生活变成完整的圆圈
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la la

It takes a night to make it dawn 它让黑夜变成黎明
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother 它用白昼唤醒你打呵欠的兄弟
It takes some old to make you young 它拿年老的换来你的年轻
It takes some cold to know the sun 它拿寒冷让我们知道温暖
It takes the one to have the other 它拿一个变成其它的所有

And it takes no time to fall in love 它让没有时间知道爱的失去
But it takes you years to know what love is 它用岁月让你知道爱是什么
And it takes some fears to make you trust 它让担心变成你的信任
It takes those tears to make it rust 它让这些破碎变成铁锈
It takes the dust to have it polished 它让灰尘变得闪光

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle 生活变成完整的圆圈
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la it is so...

It takes some silence to make sound 它让寂静变得喧闹
And It takes a loss before you found it 它让成功以前注定失败
And It takes a road to go nowhere 它让道路通向任何地方
It takes a toll to make you care 它让代价变成对你的照料
It takes a hole to make a mountain 它让一个洞变成山脉

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle 生活变成完整的圆圈
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la la la la life is meaningful 生活真是意味深长
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙
Ah la la la la la la it is so... wonderful 它是如此的奇妙
It is so meaningful 生活真是意味深长
It is so wonderful 它是如此的奇妙
It is meaningful 它真是意味深长
It is wonderful 它是如此的奇妙
It is meaningful 它真是意味深长
It goes full circle 它变成完整的圆圈
Full Circle

 这两首歌是看 狐狸 时,听到的插曲, 忧伤与快乐 其实可以很简单, 拿不起来的,就放下,其实很简单.....


Mr. lonely
Lonely I'm Mr. lonely, 寂寞,我是寂寞先生 
I have nobody for my own 我一无所有 

I'm so lonely, 我好寂寞 
I'm Mr. Lonely 我是寂寞先生 

I have nobody for my own 我一无所有 
I'm so lonely, 我好寂寞 

Yo(You), this one here, 你!你这个人阿! 
Goes out to all my playas(players) out there man, ya(you) kno (know) 

That got that one good girl dawg 兄弟!你拥有了一个好女孩耶 
That's always been there man like 但男人总是这样 
Took all the bull*** 不懂的去珍惜 

Then one day she can't take it no more and decides to leave 

Yeah 唉! 
I woke up in the middle of the night 我在半夜醒过来 

And I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, 

Coulda sworn I was dreamin, 可以跟我说我还在作梦吗 
For her I was Feenin, 当我感觉到她 
So I had to take a little ride, 我就觉得很开心(爽)(有high的意思) 

Back tracking ova(over) these few years, 回想这些年来 
Tryna figure out what I do to make it go bad, 尝试找出我做错的事 
Cuz Ever since my girl left me, 从我的女孩离开我后 
My whole life came crashin 我的一生都毁了 

I'm so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 
I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 

I'm so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 
I have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 

Cant believe I hadda girl like you 不敢相信我会拥有你这样的女孩 
And I just let you walk right outta my life, 而我居然让你离开我的生命 
After all I put u thru u still stuck 我这样对你但你仍如此坚持 
Around and stayed by my side, 陪伴著我为我停留 

What really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby 

You were a good girl and I had no right, 

I Really wanna make things right, 我好希望这一切都没发生过 
Cuz, without u in my life girl 没你在我的生命里 

I'm so lonely (so lonely) 我是如此寂寞 
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 
I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 

I'm so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 
I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 

Been all about the world ain't neva(never) met a girl that can take the things that you been through 

这首,是很比较特别的调调,呵呵,你是 Mrs Lonely ......其实这样,也没啥不好啊,那就这样吧,一个人,走到哪算哪......除了回避处理感情这类问题(因为你实在弱智,允许你放弃这方面的发展啦), 还有很多事情可以消耗能量浪费时间,相信你泛滥的好奇心,不会让你太无聊滴....


